A Weather Massage

As part of the National Massage Day in the UK we are going to share a very quick and simple massage suitable for children of all ages and which can be done at home or in a classroom setting. If you have never massaged your child before this is a great way to begin.


National Massage Day is on Friday 16th May and has been introduced this year by Gill Tree the CEO for Essentials for Health, « To raise awareness for a Pro-Touch Society » where everyone is encouraged to reach out and touch someone they care for.


This massage is done through clothes, so you don't need to use oil. Choose a time when you and your child are feeling relaxed or a time when you need to re-connect with one another. Have your child sit with his/her back to you, close their eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out. Always ask permission before giving a massage. When you have finished the routine, encourage your child to do the massage on your back. Even children as young as 18 months are capable of this! Give them lots of praise and tell them how relaxed you feel. Thank your child after such a lovely massage.


If you are doing this in the classroom, why not use it as part of a morning weather routine? Your children can massage each other in pairs, while the teacher reads the text aloud. It could also be part of a circle time activity where the children sit in a huge circle with their backs to the person behind and each child then massages the person in front, 'conga' style. Again the teacher reads out the text. The massage can be used after breaktimes or an energentic activity to help your children relax and concentrate before going back to an on-task activity.


It is also a great way to learn the weather in different languages! Here it is in English, French and Spanish.



The Weather Massage 




It was a bright and beautiful day

 Imagine you are painting a bright sun on their back and make big circular movements with your hands. Include some soft rays radiating from the centre, outwards.


The wind gently blew

 Sway your hands from side to side to illustrate the wind blowing


 Suddenly it began to rain

 Make gentle pitter patter movements with your fingertips, across the top of the back and slowly down towards the base of the spine.


 The rain made big splashy puddles

 Make firm palm prints all over the back to indicate puddles.


 Then the rain turned to snow

 Gather your fingers together as though picking up a small ball and make gentle 'padding' movements like soft snowflakes landing


 The fog descended and all was still

 Lay your hands flat, as wide as you can, in one final movement then keep your hands perfectly silent and still


 But, before long....out came the sunshine again

 Repeat the first step








 Il était une fois un gros soleil, tout jaune, qui réchauffait la terre entière.

 Une main sur une épaule, prendre l’autre main et tracer un cercle, dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre, sur le dos d’un enfant.


 Le vent soufflait doucement

 Avec les paumes des mains ensemble frottez en bougeant les bras d’un coté à l’autre.


 Soudainement la pluie se met à tomber

 Pianoter avec le bout des doigts sur le dos, en descendant.


 Et elle créé des flaques d’eau

 Avec les paumes des mains faire des mouvements alternés, comme des pas.


 La pluie se transforme en neige

 Avec les doigts ensemble par les pointes, venir les ouvrir sur le dos, comme des étoiles. Faire plusieurs sur tout le dos.


 Le brouillard s’installe et tout devient calme

 Laisser reposer vos mains sur le dos.


 Le soleil se lève, une fois de plus il réchauffera la terre.

 Commencer par le centre du dos et tracer lentement une spirale de plus en plus grande. Le soleil est finalement apparu.






 Era una vez un día soleado y brillante


Con una mano sobre el hombro y la otra pinta un sol con un círculo y dibuja los rayos de una forma circular.


 El viento soplaba suavemente

 Con las palmas de tus manos juntas frota suavemente de un lado para el otro.


 De repente comenzó a llover

 Con las yemas de tus dedos, haz movimientos ligeros, como haciendo las gotitas de lluvia, bajando desde la nuca, por los hombros y hacia toda la espalda.


 Y la lluvia creo grandes y pequeños charcos

 Con las palmas de tus manos, crea movimientos alternados como pasos, subiendo por toda la espalda.


 Después la lluvia se convirtió en nieve

 Junta los dedos de tus manos y ábrelas en contacto con la espalda, como haciendo estrellas, haz varios movimientos en toda la superficie de la espalda.


 Y la niebla bajo y todo está en calma.

 Deja tus manos abiertas quietas sobre la espalda.


 El sol se levanta y la niebla se disipa una vez más el sol calentara la tierra.

 Comienza por el centro de la espalda para crear una gran espiral y cubrir toda la espalda

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  • #1

    Brandon (Wednesday, 03 February 2021 10:50)

    The kangaroo